Personal Profile

Dr. Andreas Lingnau
Current Activities
I am a Lecturer (Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben) at Hochschule Ruhr West – University of Applied Sciences in Bottrop, Germany. My teaching portfolio includes introductory courses in computer science & programming in Python for engineers, learning psychology & media didactic for students in Human–Machine–Interaction, and Human–Computer–Interaction & GUI programming for students in E-Commerce. From March 2022 I take over the role of course director for the degree program Business Informatics (Studiengangsleiter Wirtschaftsinformatik).
Between March 2021 and Sptember 2022 I have been an elected member of the ”Academic Senat”. I am serving as a reviewer for various journals and conferences (see further below for listing) and I am a member of the IEEE Technical Committee for Learning Technology and co-chair of the TCLT–SIG for Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. From June 2021 to July 2023 I will be serving as Vice Chair, Award & Early Career Professional in the TCLT.

Education/Academic qualification
  • 2005: PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) from University Duisburg-Essen Dissertation title: Analyse und Unterstüzung von Lernvorgängen beim Schriftspracherwerb in einem computergestü̈tzten Klassenraum (engl.: Analysis and support of learning processes in a computer supported classroom while developing reading and writing skills.
  • 1998: German Diploma in Mathematics and Computer Science from University Duisburg-Essen.

Research Interest
Main research topics:
  • Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
  • Technology-Enhanced Learning
  • Human-Computer-Interaction.
My current research includes a short term funded DAAD project (3 month, winner of 2020 #Semester- Hack 2.0 as part of DigitalEduHack) which also won follow-up funding from an internal University grant. Together with a colleague with a background in psychology, I am investigating how students can be sup- ported in collaborative learning when attending courses that provide asynchronous video lessons and how this technical infrastructure can be integrated in Learning Management Systems such as Moodle or ILIAS.